join the bay area abpsi

Memberships are on an annual basis and are valid January 1st – December 31st. Any person that joins on or after September 30th of the current year, will have a valid membership until December 31st of the next year.


You get to be part of a family

You have Professional Development Training Seminars

International Support and Networking

You get to register to be part of an annual convention at a reduced rate

You get to submit a proposal for a presentation at the convention

You learn about job or school opportunities

ABPsi has membership worldwide and is highly respected

You get the satisfaction of working for the betterment of your community and

yourself under the umbrella of a well-known organization

opportunities FOr STUDENTS to apply for local and national scholarships

You get Jegnaship Opportunities

Student Development

Reduced Annual Convention registration fees

Quarterly and Semi Annual Workshop

At the convention you get free education for a week

You get to do a presentation or poster at the convention where you get to showcase your passion and be known by several hundred like professionals

You get to put the fact of membership years on your resume

You will meet visitors from many countries who come to the convention

You can be a leader of the local chapter, then later as a leader at the national level of the organization

You can receive Research Training

Consultation and Referral Services

You can receive Research Training

Participate in Community Relevant Social Justice Initiatives

At the convention you get to network with distinguished Black psychologists

At the convention you get to meet Black psychologists and learn about psychological ideas that may be different from yours or that would complement your own work.

You get to volunteer to work with an organization that is over 50 years old and which has the reputation as the top psychological organization in the world for Black people

Student Circle

The Student Circle boasts a membership of several hundred students on college campuses nationwide. Members of the Student Circle have access to scholarship opportunities, leadership development, professional networks, student support, scholarly writing opportunities, The Psych Discourse News Journal, The Journal of Black Psychology, and much more!

Learn more

Standing Committees

Chapter students and professionals are encouraged and welcomed to participate in our standing committees. Please check the committee you are interested in participating. If any areas are marked, you will be added to that committee you have chosen and will be contacted by the committee chair where you will be provided with updates and participation requests. Local students who become members of this chapter will automatically become members of the Student Committee.

Health & Wellness Committee (HWC)

The overall purpose of the Health & Wellness Committee is to use Black Psychology to support its proactive approach in addressing the needs and issues that promote a healthier learning and healing environment in the Black community in the Bay Area. Specifically, the HWC will be responsible for identifying and addressing the health and well-being of the Black community in the Bay Area through the lens of Black Psychology. This committee will examine and explore the theories and therapeutic inventions developed in African (Black) Psychology as models for the restoration of health, wellness and wholeness in our communities. Committee members will work to identify what type of mental health services and support is needed in the community. HWC will, where needed, collaborate with other community-based agencies and professional organization to meet this task. During mental health month (April), the HWC will plan and focus on the mental health of African people through site development of themes, presentations and /or workshops. This committee will be responsible for the activities within the community to include, the Emotional Emancipation Circles, Annual Community Health Fairs, Annual Mental Health Awards Brunch, Collaborative Community Health Fair.

International Support Committee (ISC)

The overall purpose of the ISC will be to support and advance the international affairs initiatives of the ABPsi. Starting with a critical examination of African (Black) Psychology, as initially developed in the USA, and a systematic review and utilization of African centered resources and materials, this committee will directly collaborate with local, regional, national, continental and other Diasporan psychologists to advance the world- wide examination and development of a Pan African Black Psychology and to implement healing programs and services throughout the African world. As disciplinary and professional support in African (Black) Psychology, this committee will be responsible for the design, review, refinement, and implementation of information to advance the study and application of African (Black) Psychology for the chapter membership ( both student and professional members). These activities can and will involve providing continuing education, workshops/seminars discussion on the philosophies, theories, therapeutic intervention, research orientations, methodological approaches, and the overall dissemination of African (Black) Psychology to the chapter membership.

African-Centered Development Committee (ACDC)

This committee is responsible for the design, review, refinement, and implementation of information to advance the study of African Psychology for the chapter membership. These activities may involve providing workshops/seminars discussion on the philosophies, theories, research emphases, methodological approaches, and the dissemination of information to chapter membership.

Student Committee

All chapter students are automatically members of the Student Committee which will serve as our chapter’s student circle. The singular and most important purpose of the Student Committee is to support the successful training and education of our student members, as Black Psychologists, through Jegnaship with professional members of the chapter and with each other. The secondary purpose will be to connect with other Student Committees around the African world. The Student Committee will be chaired by a student member and co-chaired by a professional member. The Student Committee comprised of both undergraduate and graduate students will undertake activities within the chapter that provide services to student chapter members, advance their academic careers; and, experience as Black Psychologists. This committee will be responsible for the on-going development, refinement and implementation of the policies and procedures that promote the success of the Student Committee. Specific to this charge the Student Committee will be directly responsible for outreach and recruitment of local college/university students, hosting a student led chapter meeting, responsible for an annual student fundraising project to support the BAABPsi Student Scholarship Fund, and, where supportive of their academic goals, participate in any of the standing committees and projects of the chapter.

Membership Committee (MC)

The MC will always be chaired by the chapter Vice President and Treasurer. This committee will be responsible for managing the membership status of members. As support to the members, the MC will also routinely survey, identify and recommend activities and services that serve the interest of our members. Specifically, the MC will be responsible for identifying and promoting activities that keep our members (new, current, and inactive) engaged and/or re-engaged.

Finance Committee (FC)

Community Networking and Outreach Committee (CNOC)

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